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Our Curriculum

The school provides quality and consistent first teaching and learning experiences for all of our children.

This begins in our Foundation Stage classes where the curriculum is based on the seven areas of The Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage and the children focus on:

· Communication and language

· Physical development

· Personal, social and emotional development

· Literacy

· Mathematics

· Understanding the world

· Expressive arts and design

This provides children with the cultural capital to the National Curriculum which is followed through Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Children follow a broad curriculum which builds on prior learning and develops independent learning skills.

Our curriculum intentions are based upon linked learning experiences. We try to ensure the children know the 'big picture' about their learning, how the different subjects link together and how they can use their skills in 'a real world' context.

The intent of our School Curriculum comprises of all learning and other experiences that we plan for our pupils. The central aims of our curriculum are to work in collaboration with families and the local community to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve; to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. The curriculum of the school is organised so that children are stimulated, encouraged and challenged to develop their individual potential and personality to the full.

At Holy Trinity Primary our curriculum comprises all the learning and other experiences that we plan to meet the needs and interest of our pupils. It is constantly evolving to develop the skills needed for children to become successful learners, help prepare them for life in modern Britain and empower them to achieve success in the future. Our intent, to provide a dynamic and innovative curriculum that challenges, excites and inspires children to become successful and confident learners, and achieve their best, is the main driving force behind how we design and implement our curriculum.

The school’s curriculum promotes and sustains a thirst for knowledge and understanding, and a love of learning. It covers a wide range of subjects and provides opportunities for academic, technical, creative and sporting excellence. It has a very positive impact on all pupils’ behaviour, attitudes and safety, and contributes very well to pupils’ academic achievement, their physical and emotional well-being, and their personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, with a distinctive Christian character as part of our Church of England Primary School standing.

Golden Threads

Our curriculum is implemented through ‘Golden Threads’ for each subject. The Golden Threads provide a framework for our learning to help to deepen the children’s understanding in the subject as they move through the school. It allows them to revisit areas of learning to show their prior knowledge in a subject before building on this existing knowledge. The Golden Threads have been chosen so that they link directly to the National Curriculum objectives.

Our curriculum is implemented in themes, with topics chosen to capture the interests and imaginations of our children. These themes are all linked to a Big Question interlaced with the core basic skills from English and Maths, for example; Is there anybody out there? What strange creatures would you like to meet? What do we know about where we live? Or where will our voyage lead us? As well as many other exciting topics. Skills-based learning is developed by linking subjects such as history, geography, art, design technology and music to the topic being studied. This allows children to make purposeful links in their learning. We also use every opportunity to make further links through reading, writing, maths, science and computing, where relevant. PE, RE and PSHE are often taught as discrete subjects, alongside their Golden Threads, to allow coverage of the main objectives and age appropriate skill development.

In addition to our exciting and stimulating themes, we also provide further opportunities to enhance children’s learning wherever possible. These include:

Whole school themed days/weeks

Throughout the year, themed days/weeks are woven into the curriculum to extend the breadth and balance of opportunities we offer our pupils. These include – Anti-bullying Week and Online Safety Day, Well-being Wednesdays, Feel Good Fridays, book fortnights, World Book Day, Black History Day, Victorian Day, Our Family Day, Difference & Diversity days, Inspiring Futures fortnights, Sport & Health Week, STEM week, RE fortnight, Shakespeare week… and more!!!

11 by 11

At Holy Trinity, we believe that school should be built on memorable experiences and unique opportunities that the children can cherish long after they have left our school. Our ‘11 by 11’ is a way that we can do this and ensure every child leaves our school in Year 6 feeling this way. It is a promise that we give to the children that they will experience a range of activities before they leave our school. These activities have been inspired by the children to ensure they include their voice and interests so that they feel in charge of their own adventures. We want our children to be inspired and challenged in different ways, whilst building their cultural development and giving them opportunities that they may not otherwise have had.

Yearly Overviews

Our yearly overviews are attached below - these are not set in stone and can change over the year; as we listen to the children and tailor our curriculum to their passions, interests and learning needs. These overviews are in line with the National Curriculum and the learning needs of the children here at Holy Trinity.

You may notice in Class 1 & 2 - Nursery (FS1) and Reception (FS2) overview that there are blank spaces - the EYFS ensures child choice in their learning - these blanks are waiting to be filled with their ideas, interests and loves. Other year groups may have blanks for this very same reason too!!!

If you wish to know more details, please make an appointment to see your child's class teacher - who will happily discuss their learning journey for this academic year with you.