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Nursery FS1 admissions information 

Please find attached all the information you require for applying to our school Nursery (Foundation Stage One), which is Governor Led, applying for Reception (Foundation Stage Two) which is run by the LA and applying at any other time during a child's primary school age. 

Nursery (Foundation Stage One) applications for September 2024 are due in by Friday 15th March 2024.

Reception FS2 admissions information 

The Local Authority are the admission officers for the school for our Reception FS2 classes. Therefore, if you wish to apply for a Foundation Stage 2 place for September 2024, you need to contact the Local Authority Admissions Department on 01785 278593. We encourage you to make online applications at:

Applications for September 2024 will open on Wednesday 1st November 2023 and close on Monday 15th January 2024.

If you wish to enquire about an in-year place at Holy Trinity CE (C) Primary School, please contact the school office on 01283 247550.

You are advised to contact the school either by phone to check on the most up-to-date situation. Alternatively, contact the admissions team at the LA.

This information was updated on October 2023.