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Holy Trinity Primary School has a very friendly and active PTFA, who are always looking for new members. We are a committed group of parents, teachers and friends of Holy Trinity who want to help school fight the current funding crisis by make sure the children of our school have more than just the bare essentials!  We all want them to have a rich, diverse and full experience at this important time in their development as children and as human beings.  

Fundraising to make this a reality for our children is at the core of what we do.  Through organising our fundraising events and activities every child in school has full access to an exciting and variety filled education at Holy Trinity.  We meet about twice a term and arrange fund raising activities, such as discos, the summer fayre, Christmas Raffle, chocolate bingo and race nights which are huge successes. These events are enjoyed and appreciated by the children, parents and staff. The money that is raised is used to support the children’s learning experience within school.

Over the last academic year we have raised around £2000, which has been put towards our parent texting and communication system, gifts and items for the children throughout the year and many more things. 

Thank you to everyone who has helps support our events and raise money for the children.  Would you consider joining our PTFA?  Being part of the PTFA is a great way to make friends and a hugely rewarding way to support the children of the school. 

Updated December 2019