Class 4 & Honesty
This week the whole school celebrated values day.
Come and find out what we have been up to in school :-)
This week the whole school celebrated values day.
In Class 6 we designed and made buzzer games.
Class 5 have been exploring how artists combine media to create work in response to landscapes.
Class 2 Rubies have really enjoyed our learning during our Book Fortnight. We read the poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’ by Mary Howitt.
We have had a busy time in Year 1.
Year 2 had a very exciting visitor this week!
Class 5 went on a Faith Trail.
Hockey Heroes in Year 4.
This week, in diversity week, Class 7 has explored kindness and what this means and looks like.
Class 8 have been learning all about Remembrance Day and why it is important to remember.
In FS2, we have been learning all about autumn.
We enjoyed learning about autumn.