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School Blog

This tells you what we have been up to in school.

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  • Sea Life

    Published 18/07/24, by James Hoskins

    Class 3 and 4 had a lovely day at the Sea Life Centre.


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  • Sign Language Week & Class 4

    Published 18/07/24, by James Hoskins

    Class 4 have really enjoyed learning British Sign Language this week. The children have signed “Happy Summer” for you! 

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  • Super Class 2

    Published 15/07/24, by James Hoskins

    Class 2 have been using the story 'Supertato' as our focus text this week. 

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  • Jumping Clay in Class 3

    Published 04/07/24, by James Hoskins

    Class 3 had lots of fun this week as they got a visit from jumping clay.

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  • Sewing Puppets

    Published 28/06/24, by James Hoskins

    Year 2 have been busy designing and making their very own puppets in Design and Technology.

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  • Football Fun

    Published 18/06/24, by James Hoskins

    Last week, some children from year 3 had the opportunity to participate in an inter-school tournament at Burton Albion.

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  • Year 4 Times Tables

    Published 18/06/24, by James Hoskins

    Year 4 have been working omn their times tables.

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  • Year 5 - Pizza

    Published 06/06/24, by Rebecca Steele

    In preparation for making their pizzas, Year 5 have been conducting research around which vegetables and popular images they could use on their pizzas. The children have been tasked with designing pizzas that would be healthy and appeal to younger children. After choosing pictures and images, the children thought about which vegetables and other healthy food they could use to replicate the image. Have a look at some of their ideas! We can't wait to make our final pizzas in a few weeks and see how tasty they are! 

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  • Year 6 Zines

    Published 04/06/24, by James Hoskins

    Here is a selection of our zines from one of our art projects.

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  • FS1 on a Bear Hunt!

    Published 22/05/24, by James Hoskins

    FS1 have been reading We’re Going On a Bear Hunt.

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  • Class 2 Fossils

    Published 10/05/24, by James Hoskins

    In Class 2, we have been learning about dinosaurs!

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  • Fun in the sandpit

    Published 06/05/24, by James Hoskins

    Class 3 enjoyed exploring the new addition to our OPAL play break times.

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