Fruit Salad

This week Class 3 made a fruit salad in Design and Technology.
This linked with our previous learning in PSHE about how to keep ourselves healthy. In PSHE we discovered we can stay healthy by eating the right things, drinking plenty of water, keeping our hands clean and by doing exercise.
For our fruit salad everyone learnt the importance of washing their hands before making or eating food so they can avoid getting poorly from germs. They learnt chopping skills and how to hold the knife properly and sensibly. Everyone listened carefully to the instructions they had to follow in order to make the best fruit salad.
We spoke about how fruit is very good for us and makes us strong and healthy, so the children thought it was fun that we could make a snack that was delicious and healthy. Class 3 learnt lots with this activity and everyone was very sensible cutting the fruit.
We had lots of fun in our last week before October half term and look forward to learning more next half term.