An incredible week in KS1

What a week we have had!
On Monday, Year 1 and Year 2 came to school dressed as Tudors to experience what life was like in 1666 during The Great Fire of London. We had a fantastic day. First, Mrs Cross shared a presentation with us about her son, Simon, who is a firefighter. KS1 then got together to play the ‘bucket challenge’ after playtime. The children worked together in their year groups to pass a bucket of water down the line and use it to put out the ‘fire’ that was drawn using chalks. It was so much fun! We couldn’t believe that they had to do that in 1666. We then spent the afternoon finishing our Tudor houses. We thought carefully about how we could replicate the Tudor style and we used black strips of card to create the wooden beams.
But the excitement wasn’t over on Monday! The children received two surprises on Friday...
Staffordshire Fire Service surprised us in the morning and talked to us about fire safety, as well as the differences in the fire service from 1666 to now. They even let us squirt water from the hose! When the fire service left, they put their sirens on and waved at us through the window.
In the afternoon, we received a second surprise. Simon, Mrs Cross’ son, came to visit us and accept the letters we had been writing for him! He showed us his uniform and told us what it was all used for. It looked so heavy!
It has been an incredible week of learning in KS1 and some of the children have even been inspired to become firefighters when they grow up!