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Our attendance for 2018-2019 was 96.4%.

Due to Lockdown and School Closures we have no attendance figures for 2019-2020.

Due to Lockdown and School Closures we have no attendance figures for 2020-2021.  But we did end the summer term with a figure of 97%.

Our attendance for 2020-2021 was 94.6% (please note that the Government have changed the way positive Covid cases are now recorded and they fall under illness now).

Whole School attendance 2022-2023 94.7% 

School's current attendance is 95.6% October 2023.

This percentage continues to be just above National Averages.

Please find below all of the information you will need to know about attendance at Holy Trinity. If there is anything you need clarifying or if you would like to speak to a member of staff, please come into the office and ask. 

Please find below the information, Code of Conduct and Attendance Policy for 2023.