School Vision and Aims
Our Vision
Our school is a Christian foundation enjoying the support of staff, governors, parents and the local church.
The school family vision is to:
- help all children reach their full potential.
- provide a happy pleasant and stimulating environment in which the contribution of each individual is valued.
- foster mutual respect and care for those within the school and wider community.
- encourage *Christian values to permeate the life of the school.
- enrich school life through a daily act of collective worship.
*Christian values – koinonia, love, honesty, forgiveness, dedication and courage
Our values not only support our Christian Foundation as a school, but help us to promote British values and our children's journey to being part of fabulous members of our local and global community.
Our vision is that all of our children:
Church Links
The Church of England has a duty to care for everyone who lives in its parishes, whether they come to Church or not. It doesn’t matter whether they are Anglicans, or belong to another church or faith – or none. As part of that responsibility, the Church of England takes education very seriously. We believe that offering the best start in life to our children is what God wants and is way of showing his love for everyone.
When people see the word ‘controlled’ in our name, they sometimes think that the Church controls the School. In fact the Local Authority controls the School on behalf of the Church. This ensures a fair and balanced curriculum that upholds our Christian ethos without discriminating against anyone.
As a Christian community we try to deliver both teaching and pastoral care on the basis of the Christian Faith as understood by the Church of England.
That is why we ensure a daily act of Collective Worship, to make the spiritual dimension of life clear and accessible to our children. Religious Education (RE) takes its place in the timetable, not to convert pupils, but to give them a proper understanding of what faith means. The School and Burton Churches work closely together to ensure the best levels of collaboration. Special School services are regularly held (either in school or in Church), to which parents and guardians are very welcome. We have three foundation governors: two from St Modwen's Church and Ruth Myers (one of the Pastors of The Riverside Church) who are regular, weekly, visitors to school. For those pupils who seek to develop their Christian Faith, the Parish Church offers preparation for Baptism and Confirmation.
The Christian Faith is the backdrop for all that we do as a Church School. We hope that parents find this a support and encouragement in the many challenges that they face.
Please follow these two links to find out more about St. Modwen's Church and The Riverside Church:
The motto 'Every Child Matters' still holds true in our aims of working:
Be Healthy
- To have access to a range of physical activities
- To be shown how to live a healthy life
Stay Safe
- To be happy
- To enjoy coming to school
- To feel safe
- To know they have someone to turn to when they have problems of any sort
Enjoying and Achieving
- To gain the best education they can
- To be literate and numerate
- To enjoy the arts and humanities
- To be inquisitive
- To want to learn
- To be able to excel in what they are good at
- To be given as many opportunities as possible
- To be kept interested and stimulated
- To understand that they may not do well at everything, but will have the confidence to “have a go”
- To self evaluate work and be prepared to change
- To continue personal development
Making a Positive Contribution
- To feel happy about asking questions
- To question what they are told
- To contribute to the life of the school and community
- To contribute to their own learning
- To want to do their best as much as they can
- To take pride in being part of the school and community
- To show respect and be shown respect
Achieving Economic Well-Being
- To have access to an education that will prepare them for the world of work and the role of adulthood